Go Mobile First
Most U.S. consumers now own a smartphone and the majority of Internet use in the United States has switched from websites to mobile devices, including phones and tablets. Increasingly, people search on a mobile device for information about the products and services they intend to purchase. Your business must be ready for them.

You Look Awesome
Video is a terrific way for you to share how-to tips and information about your business or industry, including market trends, advice and insights so that you are seen as an expert and helpful source. The payoff? 40 percent of website visitors who watch a video then buy from the business.

Tell Your Story
You’ve done good work for customers, finding solutions that fit into their budgets and delivering them on time. Your employees are smart and well trained, the best in their fields. You’ve invested in the latest tools, technology and can outperform competitors. So don’t be shy about what your business has done and can accomplish for […]
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Your Business Minute 2 — How to Stand Out from Your Competitors
What’s one of the first questions that people ask you about your business? Your answer establishes your brand. What will customers see and hear about you when they search online for the products and services they want today? How your business looks, sounds and comes across on the web defines your brand. Or, as Mike […]

Join me at WordCamp Cincinnati
I’m really looking forward to speaking at 2 pm Sunday about some of the best ways your business can communicate with customers on your website. #wccincy #wordpress I’ll have five tips that you can take home or back to the office and act on immediately. Join us on the UC campus: https://2016.cincinnati.wordcamp.org/schedule/

Your Business Minute — Start Something Big for 2014
How to Select Your Brand Introducing Your Business Minute, the best 60 seconds you will spend for your business this week. For 2014, we will introduce you to business owners who’ve agreed to talk about what makes them push so hard to grow their businesses as well as share the lessons they learned to hit […]

Schedule Your Online Content with Our Calendar Template
To get the most out of your online resources, you’ll want to plan and coordinate what you say and do on your business websites, social media, blogs and e-newsletters. We created a calendar to help you keep track of all your great ideas for articles, updates, photos and videos. You can use our template to […]
Are You Ready?
We are ready to connect you with customers online. Let’s talk about who you want to reach and what you want to say about your products and services. We will tell your business story in ways that attract prospects. And, we will help you build deeper relationships with your customers.